Tuesday, August 5, 2008

PB on TV Recap, Xtreme Paintball: Beyond the Paint August 5th

Back to Pro games this episode and it starts right off with a bang, showing Edmonton Impact v. San Antonio X-Factor.
An excellent game with both teams playing conservatively. No big moves, but by no means a boring game. Plenty of moves and patience from both teams gives us a game that swings back and forth and could go either way right up to the end, when X-Factor whittles Impact down to a 4 on 1 endgame.
Next we go "behind the paint" with Josh Ouimet and get to see pretty much the preview clip posted earlier. This show needs more field time.
Next game, Impact v. Golden State Ironmen. I really expected the Ironmen to over-run Impact. They're just that kind of team, super aggressive. This game though Impact and Ironmen both have similar break-outs and Impact is actually the first into S2. Before long it comes down to a 2v2 with the experience of Nicky Cuba and Mike Paxon giving Ironmen the edge to win the match.
Next is the pro challenge. They finish the run through challenge with Josh Ouimet coming out on top.
A surprise 3rd game finishes this episode. It's Impact v Portland Naughty Dogs. The Dogs are a good team that always seem to be just out of the top 3 or 4 for the season and put up a good fight against Impact, but before long they lose both corners, quickly followed by the guy in their carwash. This allows Impact to push up the field and win the final game of this episode. I'd say the move of the day goes to the Impact player in the snake with an amazingsnap shot on a Dog player who had been posted on him basically the whole game.
On an unrelated note I saw a lot of the new "crown" hopper lid and it looks like it works really well.

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